Friday, November 16, 2007

Safari 3 finally got released

I've been banging my head against the wall trying to use the Safari 3 beta since the summer.  I figured the actual release would occur with the release of Leopard, but I guess Apple had some things to work out with the Tiger version.  Anyway, I got the auto-update notification last night, installed it immediately, and.... it just works.  The litmus test was to load up google reader and try to read blogs as normal.  Google reader worked horribly under the beta.  Now it works as well as it does in Firefox (my standard windows browser).  For extra credit, I decided to try getting internet radio from my favorite sports station,, which does its streaming through windows media player.  This never worked before, but now, with the help of a plugin - flip4mac (which I had before, but still, didn't work) - it works like a charm.

Stuff like this, along with better support from Parallels, is what will get me to switch.


At November 11, 2008 10:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great work.


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